Sunday, February 24, 2013

His name is Little Beagle!

Out of the blue, my eldest Bienne told me and Poms, "I don't want a puppy anymore." Which by the way she was BEGGING to have one since her little sister Cielo came to this world. I asked "And why may I ask?" She replied, "Because it's going to poop and it's stinky I don't want to clean it." End of story. And that ladies and gentlemen is a proof that my young sweetling is getting a hint of what responsibility means haha.

This afternoon however after our morning mass at the parish near us, we took the girls to the regional park and took a short trip to the pet store beside the bookstore where we really intended to go. After seeing the different breed of cute puppies, Bienne looked at me and said "I want a puppy mommy." Why am I not surprised? One of those puppies is her favorite dog in the whole wide world - a Beagle.

I said, "Oh so now you want a puppy?" She replied, "Yes. I will name him Little. I want a puppy now." Of course we didn't get her one aside from they're too young to take care of their own puppy, her poor little sister Cielo is mildly allergic to pet danders. Mildly or not, we aim to take the word "allergic" out of our vocabulary. If a pet would somehow teach our kids to be more responsible and caring then that would be awesome. Maybe in the future both of them can have a friend where they can pet at home. I know because I think I want a dog too! =)

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