My 10-day training at a huge baby store near our place was over. I got in and they assigned me to handle the baby registry which thrilled me so much but unfortunately I had to let it go because my family is coming over to visit and we are hosting the vacation of the big group. Excited much we can't wait to see them all. I told them I wasn't ready for a full-time job yet but I would be willing to revisit and try my luck next time as soon as all the guests are back in Manila.
Bienne at 2 months old |
It was fun working for the first time I met new friends and was fascinated with the new baby gadgets that come out of the market. These babies and kids are so lucky to be in this generation (even the parents too!) For a moment, the idea of having another baby entered my mind. But comparing the budget we have now and before the kids came in our lives, yup, that imaginary baby stays in my mind.
Yesterday was my annual check-up visit to my doctor. My OB-Gynecologist upon seeing me in the room energetically said "One more? Before you hit 40." I chuckled and said "Ayaw na ni daddy eh, but I like to welcome the idea." (Daddy doesn't want anymore, but I like to welcome the idea).
Cielo at 4 months old |
My Filipina doctor said when she was younger they only have 2 kids and the talk about financial matters is greatly considered in having another baby - mostly a valid reason for the men in the house. But she said something was lacking until her 3rd child came. "One more para may referee sa dalawa pag nag-away tapos tama na. Just tell your husband you got confused in taking your pills" (One more so there's someone who will mediate when the other two fight with each other then that's enough.Just tell your husband you got confused in taking your pills) Funny, because that's how I will also justify to have another baby. The girls are the best of friends but in the next few minutes they'll be fighting like forever.
Before my doctor left the room, I asked her "Doc, how much is the percentage of me getting pregnant after I just stopped my pills?" She said with an impish smile "Oh, you have big chances of getting pregnant again." With the emphasis on the word "big." Que horror! I could only imagine what hubee would be like if he was with me at that time. As I put my clothes on I said to myself "One more huh? Maybe one more kid in the house wouldn't be such a bad idea. But first things first I need to get a job." Then all of a sudden I remembered my father almost crystal-clear was his voice in my head. Months before he passed away, he said I'm going to have another baby after my second child. The thought sent shivers down my spine.
As I make my way out of the clinic, the medical staff informed me, "I already confirmed your prescription to your insurance but it will take few more days for you to receive your pills. Do you want to take it now or you just rather wait for the prescription to be delivered to your home?" Before she even finished what she was saying I said "Now! Now, now! M**her*F**er!" She then handed me a month's sample of my pills. Of course I didn't say the last word (LOL!) I simply said, "I need it now, can I have one sample please?"
Walking alone in the hallway of the hospital I was laughing softly to myself until I reached the car. Should I tell the whole story to hubee or not? =)