Happy Memorial Day! And as we speak, we are spending our long weekend at home - FUN! Not because we wanted it but we have no other choice. The girls are sick, mom is sick, and dad is sick. So where else is the best place to stay? Two nights ago I made an alarming discovery a more surprising moment than the brilliant scientist who discovered epidural (thank God for that too!) I do not have a thermometer. Whaaat?! I know. I know. Shame. Shame. I suspect that I brought everything a mommy soldier would have on her first aid kit to Manila where we spent our almost 3 months vacation.
So a trip to the nearest pharmacy was the first thing in the morning. On fever/pain reliever section there are tons of different kinds of thermometers there is. I already know what I wanted but I was caught to choose between two reliable thermometers with outstanding reviews but a short interview with a pharmacist won the heart of the one I really eyed on to. (Yes I do not just get and pick that's how excited my life is when it comes to baby stuffs :)
The moment I saw this when I gave birth to my first child I said I wanted one for home. It's the gadget they use in the same hospital where I gave birth to my second baby. It's fast, reliable, easy to use and best of all my kids loved it! To them it's like something to tickle their ears which they absolutely love. Technology really changes lives. I like it even more when there are tons of it to choose from. Bottom line is, sometimes it's the quality that makes the brand "brand".
Braun ThermoScan ear thermometer |
Boogie Wipes! Need I say more? |
Now whose brilliant mind invented these wipes? It's a soft, gentle wipes with saline solution to clean boogies and other entities that come out of that little nose. Isn't that neat? Since using saline spray to them is like a battle in a field, this one somehow helped us a lot in an ugly ordeal against nasty colds. Genius.
The legendary Vicks VapoRub. Who knew?! |
Now this baby is notably known for its "tradition" in the family. They say if you have this at home, someone there must be a Pilipino. What? Crazy but true. My kids loved it! They feel comforted to the highest level when they start to smell it and even more when I rub it behind their ears, back and chest. I don't need to sing for them to fall a sleep. How can I live without you, Vicks VapoRub.
Now I have to say, I had fun treating my sick sweethearts with love. Sleep deprived? Yes but it doesn't matter. I love every second of the night I watch them sleep, turn over, and feel their breathe. It's like savoring every moment a mother could ever experience and the hugs they just can't sleep without. For some reasons I simply just felt it.
Thank God for flu :)